Micrasim / Interesting / Main causes of discomfort in the stomach. Why do we need enzymes?

Main causes of discomfort in the stomach. Why do we need enzymes?

Heavy feeling after a meal is a condition familiar to many. Most people believe that stomach pains after eating are caused by malnutrition or bad quality of food. But bloating, borborygmus, gases, and in some cases nausea after a meal may be caused by different problems.

- Too much food. When we overeat, the ability of digestive system to completely and properly process the food is decreased. Also an important issue is a large amount of water taken with food. It causes lower concentrations of substances, which are responsible for digestion (hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes, bile). It makes their action less effective and impairs the process of food digestion.

- Late meal. In the evening the digestive process slows down and at night time it is practically stopped. This leads to disruption in digestion.

- Stress. It has been proved that stress has bad influence on the digestion process.

- Low acidity of stomach fluid or not enough digestive enzymes. Some people do not produce enough digestive enzymes for effective digesting of food.

How do enzymes work?

Enzymes are protein substances which are present in practically all animal and plant products. If there were no enzymes, the process of breaking down food would have been difficult.

Enzyme acts by binding with the substance, participating in reaction (substrate), and transforming it to another substance. If food, which is not ready for absorption, enters the intestine, it irritates the mucous layer, and the processes of fermentation and rotting begin, intestinal flora is damaged. The balance of digestion is lost, as it is all interconnected. Then the enzymes coming with food are insufficient and it is necessary to use additional sources of enzymes to ensure normal digestion.

Which enzymes are important for the organism?

There are three groups of enzymes, important for human organism:

  • protease (substance responsible for breaking down the proteins);
  • lipase (breaks down the fats);
  • amylase (breaks down the carbohydrates).

Lack of enzymes leads to the fact, that food which enters the intestine has not enough time to be digested. This leads to illnesses of the digestive organs (stomach, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder). First signs of enzyme insufficiency are heartburn, nausea, heavy feeling and pain after food intake. It is also possible to identify the lack of enzymes by outer signs: unhealthy skin tone, pale and damages hair, bad nails.

There may be different reasons for disruption of enzyme production in the organism. But the main one is unbalanced diet. Over eating is especially harmful, because the organism cannot produce enzymes indefinitely. So it is important to pay attention to the nutrition process, choice of products, and not to push the organism to its limits, but to help it with modern enzyme preparations. One of such effective drugs is Micrasim.

Micrasim is a modern drug for better food digestion.

Its active substance – pancreatine – benefits the process of carbohydrate, fat and protein absorption, thanks to balanced mixture of different digestive enzymes (lipase, protease and amylase). Enzymes in Micrasim digest food as it passes through the intestine, without affecting the stomach. Such influence if possible because of pancreatine microgranules, which are resistant to stomach fluid. Capsules are dissolved in the stomach, but the enzymes act directly in the intestine, helping good digestion of foods, with ease and comfort.

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